
The graduate program in dentistry began its activities in 1992 with the master's degree. In 2012 it underwent a restructuring of its faculty and its basic concepts, since it was perceived that the qualified production was common to a wide area involving pathology, stoma and radiology. In the triennial evaluation of 2010, the master's course received note 4, when he decided to request the opening at doctoral level, which was approved by CTC/CAPES and, therefore, his activities involving also the doctorate were initiated in 2012.

In the triennial evaluation of 2013, the program continued with note 4, but it is noted that the program is on the rise since the following professors were contemed with funding by state and federal government agencies (Jean Nunes dos Santos-Edital 047/ 2013 CNPq, funded value: R$ 500,000.00; Luciana Maria Pedreira Ramalho-FAPESB CNV0013/2013 value financed: R$ 155,379.00; Águida Cristina Gomes Henriques-Edital 13/2013, funded value: R$ 30,000.00). At this time, we have already traced international agreements with University of New York and University of Louisville where two teachers of our program would perform PhD internship at these American universities, respectively. In social sphere, it is also worthhig hlighting the work involving patients who use non-licit drugs and others involving harm reduction in young people, in Pelourinho and works in indigenous communities.

In 2014, the faculty also continued to be contemed with promotion notices, as outlined below: Jean Nunes dos Santos - announcement 14/2014 CNPq, Value financed: R $92,000.00; Flávia Caló de Aquino Xavier - announcement 14/2014 CNPq, funded value: R $30,000.00; Clarissa Araújo Gurgel Rocha - Edital 14/2014 CNPq, funded value: R $45,000.00; Iêda Margarida Crusoé Rock Rebello-Edital 14/2014 CNPq, funded value: R$ 120,000, 00; Patrícia Ramos Cury-Edital 09/2014 FAPESB, funded value: R $195,487.06), which has enabled us to increase the level of excellence of our research, demonstrated in the following years by qualified scientific production. In addition, we also provide the attraction of a high number of scientific initiation Fellows and volunteers, as well as encouraging the productivity o fteachers and students, as these financing improve our infrastructure conditions, allowing to carry out teaching, research and extension actions with greater dignity, as well as international partnerships involving the student.

In 2015, we continue to rise in relation to our activities, since we were contemed with new funding, this time, by our State Development Agency (FAPESB), where the following professors and team had their projects approved: Jean Nunes dos Santos - project financed in the value of R$ 129,990.00; Clarissa Araújo Gurgel Rocha-Project financed in the value of R$ 49,000.00; Flávia Calo Aquino Xavier-Project financed in the value of R $44,000.00; Johelle de Santana Passos - project financed in the value of 42,749.50; Frederico Sampaio Neves  -Project financed in the value of R$ 76,500.00. The selast two teachers are newly hired professors. All these funded projects have been allowing our growth and attracting more our students, whether they are undergraduate or graduate (PG).

It is important to highligh there also the expansion of our international partnerships, this time involving the University of Catania in Italy and University of Chile, from where we received a teacher for doctorate.

In 2016, the great highlight goes to the construction of our new site, containing important information about the Graduate Program in Dentistry and Health, which can be seen through out the community, as well as the financial contribution of FAPESB in the value of R$ 298,491.00 , contemplating a group of universities in Bahia, UFBA, represented by Professor Jean Nunes dos Santos. This project is generating an intellectual property of sustainable use.


